Clinique Smart Custom-Repair Serum (mini) Review
When I purchased Clinique Sparkle Skin, Sephora gave me the option of choosing up to three minis, and I chose Clinique Smart Custom-Repair Serum.
This is the first serum I've ever used. To keep a long story short, I first heard about serums three years ago, but I didn't understand what it was used for. I figured since I already use a moisturizer, I didn't need a serum - until I educated myself more on skincare and beauty. Then I realized that I was missing out on serums! I was looking forward to trying this mini sample.
Clinique Smart Custom-Repair Serum claims that "Our smart serum understands the particular needs of your skin, providing custom repair for the damage you see and the damage you don’t. Targeted repair as needed, where needed. Visibly addresses uneven skin tone, lines and wrinkles, firming, or radiance. Calming ingredients help skin stay more receptive to repair."
Clinique claims that the serum can "sense" where the skin needs repair and where it doesn't need repair. Somehow the ingredients in the serum would know where to spot the problems on our face, release repairing ingredients, and where there isn't damage, it moves on.
The question is, is the product name marketing or fact?
+ has a silky texture which makes your skin feel very smooth
+ gives your skin a subtle glow
+ good moisturizer
+ fragrance free
+ grapefruit peel extract
The answer is: It's marketing. I was curious to see how exactly this serum would "repair" my skincare concerns, and during the month I've used it, I didn't notice a difference in my skin. In fact, my skin got worse as I continued to use the serum. The grape fruit peel extract - which is loaded with ingredients that causes a phototoxic reaction when skin is exposed to the sun - made my skin worse. Keep in mind that I used this during the summer! This is not what you want when using a serum.
I'm disappointed that it didn't live up to it's huge claim. Good thing I tested it out with a mini sample and did some research on it before deciding to buy it or not. This gives me all the more reason to find a new serum to use. Hopefully next time I'll see the results I want to see!